Truly, Raha, I have no idea how you've managed short sleeves in Sharlayan for so long. With copious amount of the Last Stand's warm drinks, I'd expect. 😊
Honestly, I have no idea how I avoided getting a cold during my studies. Perhaps the nutritious food of Sharlayan *did* ward off small flus here and there...
Well, I do suppose you didn't make a habit of studying outdoors unless it was summer, which probably assisted! Though I rather doubt archon loaf's efficiency in illness prevention 🤭
I would be glad to! Oh, oh, the others told me about what you wore in the First - I could sew you up something inspired by it, if you'd like? All designed to withstand a Sharlayan or Coerthan winter, of course!
Ah... I did opt for no sleeves for most of the time, didn't I? To be fair, the First was the coldest, yet the Tower had enough central heating for me to forgo a warmer attire. Meanwhile, Eorzea is mostly mild in terms of weather. Unless you go to Ishgard.
Honestly back in Mor Dhona I thought you went sleeveless because you wanted to show off your archer arms or something. Or your tattoo. Also yeah Ishgard is kind of butts, sometimes I wonder if it'll ever go back to the way it was before the calamity.
I mean never change I thought it was funny , I'm just saying.