To put things in perspective… I come from a “shithole” African country. In 2023 I was able to buy a home on the one job I work, my parents were uneducated low income workers. I live in a single income household - I don’t think Murica is the land of opportunity anymore.
I keep saying we need to stop deciding what jobs are considered careers bc it gives companies excuses & society the mentality that some ppl don’t need to be paid what they are worth. McDonald’s server or cook is a career.
I have 2 bachelors degrees and hold an executive level position. But because it is a small non-profit and our funding is low, I have to bartend on the side to have some extra income for savings and incidentals. I am a single woman with a child in college and I live in one of the cheapest cities.
Get one good job instead of 2 bad ones or educated yourself on finances. Call a local investment office and see if they have free classes , even some banks offer those. Make your $100 work for you while in the hustle.
One problem is that companies don’t value the people who work for them. There are crucial jobs that help people but pay 💩, and seldom have benefits or job security. I worked as a nurse’s aide while I was blessed to be able to afford college in the days before loan sharks took over financial aid. 1/
The women w/ whom I worked (yes, most are still women, even now), frequently worked as many double shifts as possible, holidays, etc. & still qualified for food stamps.
Fast fwd 30-40 years: when my dad needed 24/7 care. He was able to afford it for a number of reasons, 2/
… one reason was he was a white man who qualified for the GI Bill. In the CCRC where he lived, not much had changed for aides, except now they worked 12 hr shifts, and often didn’t have a stable schedule. These women often went home to care for their elderly family bc they sure didn’t 3/
… earn enough to live where their families worked. *I* can’t afford to live where my parents finally lived. Before I drive any further off-track, explain to me how nurses aides, farm workers, food service workers, etc. can afford to live on what they earn, esp if benefits are cut? Thanks
"Nobody wants to work anymore." I hear this all the time, yet nobody ever says,"Nobody wants to pay a living wage."
People have been brainwashed to believe that people should have their labor exploited for starvation wages and be thankful they have a job.
This needs to change.
No no no… it’s because people buy Starbucks and avacado toast. It has nothing to do with the system being rigged against normal people just trying to survive.
The blue collar workers in my neighborhood who all voted for Trump/MAGA all make more money than I did as a teacher with 25 years in. North Carolina. It’s illegal to have a teacher’s union in the county I worked in and the county I live in.
Welcome to adulthood. I worked 2 and 3 jobs for almost 15 years before I could afford to live on one check only. Zero college education at the time because parents didn’t think it was important in the early 80’s. I was in my late 20’s before I could support myself with one check.
As of January 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a CEO in the United States is $887,300. reports that pay typically ranges from $665,900 to $1,133,500, with most professionals earning between $464,327 and $1,357,652.
I worked 3 jobs for years during and after college. It’s good for peope to work hard to get ahead. I worked to obtain what I needed then worked harder to get what I wanted. Not saying wages in some area shouldn’t increase but when staring out 1 job isn’t enough and that’s ok.
Yes, the margins between CEO’s and workers is mismanagement at best.
Even tips and over time is paid wrong.
Since Reagan it’s been benefits with low pay and/or pay with less benefits.
Traveling and other work expenses cut it down or having to relocate.
I just lucky and survived a 17 year layoff.
No job should pay so much that a person can spend one million dollars a day for one thousand years and still be ok as Elon could.
It’s grotesque hoarding.
Athletes are entertainers. Admittedly with short careers & multiple injuries. Contracts for $100s of millions is obscene.
Don’t get me started on give aways for sport stadiums.
I’m old enough to remember sports differently than it is today.
Some Athletes made good livings others were…upper middle class types.
A teacher must teach 40-50 students at a time and can’t afford a house.
We are bassackwards 🧐
I can remember when going to a baseball or football game was affordable for lower - middle class families. Classic peanut, popcorn, hotdogs were inexpensive & football tailgating was an inexpensive family pregame event.
Perhaps you need to keep up. People are complaining about wealthy business owners not paying their
fair share, and i was pointing out that multi-million athletes and celebrities should be included in the same way of thinking 🤔. Do you understand now?
No kidding! Money distribution in our world is ridiculously stupid. Any business that is created needs every employee within it. Therefore, all the employees should participate in the profits. CEOs often do very little compared to the people who build their companies for them. this needs to change.
They need to keep the people at the bottom in a state of cash starvation in order to make them work for it. Im sure they think that if people were financially comfy then they would do less work for the wealthy.
I'm a psychol & pharmacist, have often worked 3 jobs.My dad worked 80 hr a week as a pharmacist. I feel guilty that between those jobs, I only worked about 75 hours but I was getting my Ph.D. in psych, MS in pharmacol, BS in Pharmacy & dating my wife @ same time. ALL easier than raising teenagers
Employers can't wrap their heads around the permanent labor shortage. Supply and demand governs labor too. Econ 101. They get all peevish and petulant when the balance shifts toward labor. They give NO thought to the plight of the worker. NOW they must and they HATE it. Lol
You would think this should be common sense, but on the contrary, one of the most successful propaganda campaigns is that Americans have been duped into not believing reality
What everyone needs to understand, and act on, is that the only underlying issue, CLASS WAR between the ultra rich and everyone else, is the root of all of our other problems. Rich propaganda is the cause of all "othering" social division. Collect the taxes of rich corporations and money mogels!
It's inhumane!
This is how #CorruptCapitalism rolls.
Fast fwd 30-40 years: when my dad needed 24/7 care. He was able to afford it for a number of reasons, 2/
People have been brainwashed to believe that people should have their labor exploited for starvation wages and be thankful they have a job.
This needs to change.
Utilities clothes insurances. We all need them so we need to earn enough to do that and eat.
It's ridiculous.
Unless they pay equal to their means fucking taxes
As of January 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a CEO in the United States is $887,300. reports that pay typically ranges from $665,900 to $1,133,500, with most professionals earning between $464,327 and $1,357,652.
of them to survive
Even tips and over time is paid wrong.
Since Reagan it’s been benefits with low pay and/or pay with less benefits.
Traveling and other work expenses cut it down or having to relocate.
I just lucky and survived a 17 year layoff.
It’s grotesque hoarding.
Don’t get me started on give aways for sport stadiums.
Some Athletes made good livings others were…upper middle class types.
A teacher must teach 40-50 students at a time and can’t afford a house.
We are bassackwards 🧐
your whataboutism:
and yet here you are, caring about athlete's pay.
fair share, and i was pointing out that multi-million athletes and celebrities should be included in the same way of thinking 🤔. Do you understand now?
Also the gambling ads.
As long as there are idiots willing to work for slave wages they will continue to pay slave wages.
Stop taking the jobs they will raise what they pay.
This is why Trump won: