I just find it so bizarre after how much shit trump put Obama through and how he used his race for political gain that he can even sit next to him let alone talk to him civilly. Same for Pence.
What did you want him to do? Yell at him? I assure you he called Michelle and said “can you believe this muthafucker was talking to me?” Nah I didn’t cuss him out and just fake laughed and told him we both did win two elections but only one of us cheated”
I don’t understand why it’s bizarre to stay civilized at a funeral. We’ve all been in situations st work where we’ve had to interact w a person we absolutely hated. We smiled nodded and left before we lost our shit.
There’s nothing wrong or insulting to Obama for me to observe that I think it’s bizarre. I respect that he can do that. I was simply making an observation and I think most people can identify with my observation.
Obama: "and this one is a "O", like my name, O-bama."
Trump: "Uh"
Obama: "Close, little donny, but it's "oh". Oh. Come on you can do it. Oh."
Trump: "Screw this! I don't want to read anyways! It's all just libtard fake news!"
Trump: "Uh"
Obama: "Close, little donny, but it's "oh". Oh. Come on you can do it. Oh."
Trump: "Screw this! I don't want to read anyways! It's all just libtard fake news!"