Yeah, politicians were skillfully diverting attention to other topics (shockingly always to the same - like guns and abortions). American public was duped all these years.
They will never solve issues like guns control, abortions, immigration, etc., because if they do that they will need to start to fix real issues, what will really annoy elites. Politicians for sure don't want to do that.
Yes. Legacy media like NYT & WaPo are royalist, as has noted.
So in order for them to notice something, members of the American royal family--i.e. the super rich--have to be affected by it.
The first part of that byline, "National data is hard to get," is a big part of the problem. The for-profit barrier to the healthcare we pay in to isn't even required to report claims denied. This should and can be regulated, so why i$n't it?
And then, they decided to lecture us on why we are indifferent to some rich asshole being gunned down after he's denied claims to thousands of people, maybe more.
The only reason this is being acknowledged in MSM, is because the internet went rogue with the story. All of the cooridinated faux outrage and finger wagging they were doing was an attempt to shame and shut down online momentum, so they could craft the narrative. They couldn't manage it this time.
I don’t think it was the mainstream media that noticed, it was us. Like we all already knew it was happening, but we haven’t spoken out about it like we are now.
Such a stark declaration of which methods of protest succeed and which don't seems counterproductive. You'd think they'd rather have folks dissipate their ire marching up and down the square harmlessly, but they're telling us outright that that won't work.
"Mainstream media"!? What does that even mean?
US media cannot denounce private insurance without being called "communist" or "woke".
The issue is not "mainstream" media, it's those making money out this major societal issue. Healthcare should be publicly funded and controlled.
The Aca (Obama care) was a distraction that mandated people had to deal with these parasites. Though we got subsidies for it it didn’t help the biggest issue where these insurance companies wanted to make more profit by denying our care.
The mainstream media always knew this was a major problem. The owners of the news are capitalist. It’s in their best interest to ignore these injustices. Except now people want to know more hence the newspaper capitalizing on that.
"The people come to understand that wealth is not the fruit of labour but the result of organised, protected robbery. Richer people are no longer respectable people; they are nothing more than flesh-eating animals, jackals and vultures which wallow in the people's blood."
He wasn't just a rich guy he was a HUMAN BEING w/kids! WTF is wrong WITH AMERICA/AMERICANS they think it's cool to GUN DOWN A HUMAN BEING BC OF WHERE THEY WORK/THEIR FINANCIAL STATUS?!? THIS IS WHO WE ARE NOW!?!? F NO!! I'M NOT!!
"Mainstream media" is very anxious to bury this discontent before the CEO is even cold in the ground. There are SIX companies which own almost all mainstream media and they are the rich who protect their own first.
Happiness isn’t very good for the economy.
If we were happy with what we had, why would we need more?
And they only seem to care when it’s them getting murdered.
A silver lining!
So in order for them to notice something, members of the American royal family--i.e. the super rich--have to be affected by it.
The billionaires haven't lost the plot. They are the plot.
Two kids were shot in school in California the same day. Zero national coverage.
School shootings happened because media coverage. With how much coverage this is getting I wouldn’t doubt copy cats will make attempts.
In big bold lettering, on any advertising for the open enrollment season
right, ?
US media cannot denounce private insurance without being called "communist" or "woke".
The issue is not "mainstream" media, it's those making money out this major societal issue. Healthcare should be publicly funded and controlled.
- Frantz Fanon