While sympathetic to the sentiment - have to disagree on a factual basis. Eisenhower was actually a decent and principled President. Throughout the post-war period, the GOP did include men of good character. Reagan turned it in a dangerous direction with his “Government is the problem” mantra.
Reagan was the godfather of Trumpism. It was promoted and delivered by a host of people like Gingrich, Limbaugh, Norquist, Leo, Murdoch / Ailes, the Kochs. The party destroyed itself over time.
I’d argue that Liz Cheney, while I disagree very consistently and passionately with her policy positions, is a person of good character. I’d say the same of Adam Kinzinger.
I’d offer up this opinion - the Democrats alone (particularly with their current leadership - the fact that Jeffries was out promoting his new book at such a dangerous time for our democracy tells you all you need to know) will not be able to solve this problem.
We will need a lot of voters formerly known as Republicans to help so - instead of lumping them all into one bucket of irredeemables - we should probably keep trying to bring some of them back from the dark side.
You won’t need them to agree with you on everything - even on much. You do need an opposition party that believes in and supports the Constitution, the Rule of Law and the peaceful transfer of power.
My complaint with him is that he brought back Nazis to start NASA and embraced automobile culture which has big connections to fascism and has devolved our society
Ike's best accomplishment was putting Earl Warren on the Supreme Court, but he did it because Warren was a tough-on-crime prosecutor was genuinely at loggerheads with him when he turned into a transformative civil rights titan.
Fuck. Maybe this is why the left sucks at messaging.