Its always been the neoliberals becoming full on neo nazis trying to start witchhunts against us the minute they feel perceived inconvenience from our existance. Just look at JK Rowling.
I am a gay person with a trans best friend. However, trans women competing against women is not fair. If my son wanted to transition I would 100% support her, but if she decides to compete against biological women I would be deeply disappointed.
Trans women playing as women in sport have been on Estrogen for years. There is no "biological advantage" unless we are talking about a literal pissing contest.
Its fearmongering that ignores even basic facts.
You can't gain significant muscle mass on high Estrogen levels. High E levels are the sole goal of HRT.
I'm sorry, I haven't seen the whole exchange, but from what I have seen this is a ridiculous overreaction. And this is a big part of why we keep losing elections, because we keep losing hearts and minds with our self-defeating purity tests and ideological extremism.
How about 'the progressive party shouldn't be so reflexively ideological that it divorces itself from reality, because that's stupid, and also because they keep losing elections over it to people who will truly harm those whom it would like to protect'? How about that?
Or, you know, we can keep divorcing ourselves from pretty straightforward reality and leaving the trans community to the tender mercies of people who are increasingly sympatico with 1930s and 40s Nazis.
How did that work out for the trans community of Europe?
I think he has a point. I think trans people have rights. I don’t care where they work, what bathroom they use. They absolutely should be in the military. They should be treated equally. One place they are not equal is when transgender women are in playing field playing with and against girls.
Most trans women in sports have been on Estrogen for years, they don't possess any sex advantages. Estrogen HRT actively cancels out any way to gain muscle.
I agree with all of this. And we will get called "anti-trans" for sticking up for women's rights. It's a mob mentality here with no nuanced thinking about this subject. Women's rights matter too! We have to balance the rights of people in a society.
Transgender women vs girls? He doesn't have a point there's no actual data that back this up. Research is your friend. My niece played bb in HS. in one game she played a girl who was a foot taller, 40 lbs heavier, should that girl not be able to play because she is physically stronger, not equal?
Well someone is making it an issue. Yes I know the number is minuscule. it No I am not high. I was just saying I don’t disagree with Newsom. Not sure why the right is making sure an issue.
I disagree. this is effecting women and girls. And yes, the right is using this in terrible ways and trans people deserve protections and basic rights. Women and girls have rights, too and when it comes to sports, there is a real concern. Biological differences in sport is real.
It’s not just their homophobic clan. This is an issue that democratic politicians were out of step with the public on and they got hammered on it. I think it’s depressing that it became such a central issue but here we are.
Imagine if you had seen and understood the science.
The solution is nuanced. If a trans woman had not been through a male puberty, she has more disadvantages than advantages.
Some other sports need more research.
I would not have my later transitioning trans sisters in combat or contract sports
Your misogyny is so obvious here (as well as your transphobia). Why are you referring to trans “women” but cis “girls?” All the people involved the same age. Why would you make such an odd language choice but to both diminish cis athletes and demonize trans athletes?
The International Olympic Committee has figured out how to have fair standards for trans athletes. The IOC has allowed transgender athletes to participate at the Olympics since 2004.
I was out when he came to LA while the mayor was out of town & proceeded to clear the encampments by dozing everybody’s possessions & supporting that smug smile.
Republicans make up an issue. Dems act like it's a real issue. Repeat. Let the GOP dictate the conversation and keep abandoning your principles and throwing people under the bus. That's worked great so far.
This is where genetics and physiology manipulation come into play. If a boy gets hormone blockers before he’s into puberty, no problem. But after, upper body and thigh strength are vastly different. No easy way to determine muscle differences due to hormones or lack there of.
High School athletics? That's where the difference in things like long bone length & upper body strength can come in to play. It isn't about taking estrogen, as much as blocking a lot of the testosterone production. I do realize that for most ppl it is just that LBGQT+ are "different".
The biggest story of the aftermath of losing the 2024 election, is the Democratic party betraying the Transgender community. Just complete abandon and cowardice by the party I once thought I'd never leave. I never thought they'd turn to the right and be complicit to the Trump administration.
Especially since its not only in the US. All of those worthless neolibs bastards worldwide appeal to transphobia the minute they think it will get more votes. They've been doing this since years.
Of course Dems are going to support LBGTQ ... but that support was made into a campaign issue. We need to take that NON ISSUE going on over here, and put the focus back on the shit that's going on over THERE. Continue stuff like this and we'll never have a Dem POTUS again.
Sorry, but that is exactly the kind of knee-jerk, purity-test driven "thinking" that keeps losing us election after election. You might feel good about yourself for being detached from reality, but personally I'd rather get people that I agree with 98% of the time elected instead of losing to
He’s reaching an audience he can’t reach on Substack. You can’t persuade people you can’t reach. It seems like half of this country is in a fake news bubble. If he penetrates that bubble that no other dem has been able to that could mean a lot.
I think the era of democrats winning by playing to the middle has failed completely. The Harris campaign paraded around celebrating fucking Dick Cheney’s endorsement.
Imagine a Party that taxes Billionaires rather than lining up for handouts, that campaigns even while in office in Red State and runs candidates that can actually articulate to voters why they cannot pay their bills, afford healthcare or education. Embracing tenets that Progressives champion.
There is a need for Progressive populism that could expose the cracks between rich and poor as Roosevelt and others have done previously. We must fight on our terms, not with issues manufactured by the Right. The phony border crisis and Trans athletes taking over sports is nonsense.
I get where you are coming from as well. The threat currently posed is immense. As someone who canvassed for Harris in PA., I can assure you that the low turn out was no surprise. Even in 2018, as I biked in Northern NJ, the signs were there, no pun intended...
You might want to wait ten years when people forget what actually happened for this. Traditional Dem. ideals are not what cost the last election, it was attempting to out Republican the Republicans. Throwing immigrants, Gays and anyone else the Republican's villainize. These people have no bottom.
Y'know, I hear alot of Liberals paint purity tests as some trapped in a bubble nonsense while there's an illegal office called "DOGE" literally breaking up the country.
Maybe the Democrats should actually be listening to their constituents before losing to people who at least understand buzzwords.
Do you wanna hear all of my complaints about Democratic leadership in this moment, Nax?
Or on all of their long-standing flaws that helped get us here?
How long ya got?
I just don't wanna switch horses in midstream when there's NOT another horse & the stream is in full fuckin flood.
Do ya get that?
I see your point, and I probably jump the gun and sound too argumentative when I disagree. I'm trans though, and everyone in the LGBT+ community sees that if Trans people go down, all gays are on the chopping block soon after. It's not a chip worth bargaining imo.
Nax, I totally get it. We're all so tense & anxious & on edge right now. I've had to apologize several times for lashing out at friends and allies in the last 4 months.
No worries.
And I completely agree with you, but the simple truth is we've got to be strategic for us ALL to get through this.
Yeah, he screwed up with this one. What the hell are these kids supposed to do? They wouldn’t be able to participate at all. Plus, people have varying amounts of testosterone in their bodies. How far does he want to go with this one?
Just a reminder, Obama served himself on a silver platter to Republicans while he was in office and is still vehemently demonized by even the center-right.
You'd have to suck the toes of the elite and join the Republicans party to get their votes. This is not a winning strategy.
It is unfair. Those born biologically male have an unfair physical advantage over biolgoical females. I have no issue with trans people at all. I am gay and I know many trans people. There are no trans men breaking records in sports because they, too, have a biological disadvantage.
Yall not been alive in the last decade?
Matt Bennett laid it out as part of their plan to win elections.
They parrot Carville.
You can't gain significant muscle mass on high Estrogen levels. High E levels are the sole goal of HRT.
How did that work out for the trans community of Europe?
I get that people still want to communicate and find common ground where they can.
Setting up an interview with Turning Point USA is where I'm like, nope.
Also, I don't want to expect some perfect result, which might be impossible.
Am common what a public figure said.
The solution is nuanced. If a trans woman had not been through a male puberty, she has more disadvantages than advantages.
Some other sports need more research.
I would not have my later transitioning trans sisters in combat or contract sports
Or at least that the right person can.
How did that work out?
One of us is trying to do something about what's happening, and the other is throwing a tantrum.
Maybe the Democrats should actually be listening to their constituents before losing to people who at least understand buzzwords.
Or on all of their long-standing flaws that helped get us here?
How long ya got?
I just don't wanna switch horses in midstream when there's NOT another horse & the stream is in full fuckin flood.
Do ya get that?
No worries.
And I completely agree with you, but the simple truth is we've got to be strategic for us ALL to get through this.
You'd have to suck the toes of the elite and join the Republicans party to get their votes. This is not a winning strategy.
Oh, right…