434.845 Unlawful access to a computer in the first degree.
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful access to a computer in the first degree when he or she, without the effective consent of the owner, knowingly and willfully, directly or indirectly https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=18918#:~:text=the%20first%20degree.-,(1)%20A%20person%20is%20guilty%20of%20unlawful%20access%20to%20a,%2C%20effective%20July%2013%2C%201984. charge Musk this
(1) A person is guilty of unlawful access to a computer in the first degree when he or she, without the effective consent of the owner, knowingly and willfully, directly or indirectly https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/statutes/statute.aspx?id=18918#:~:text=the%20first%20degree.-,(1)%20A%20person%20is%20guilty%20of%20unlawful%20access%20to%20a,%2C%20effective%20July%2013%2C%201984. charge Musk this