FINALLY, LOCK STEP FOR DEMOCRATS BECOMES A REALITY! TOO BAD IT ONLY TOOK 40 YEARS TO HAPPEN. Now they just need to git rid of ALL the Jews in congress along with all the ones that accepted money from AIPAC. Good start though. It will never happen because we are owned by Israel. Israel first!
Even the Jews in congress that aren't Zionists, voted lock step for anti BDS and antisemitism laws in 3 days. All are supporting the genocide, killing children and women, and proven land theft in the WB.
When I heard that I shouted and clapped. Trump also heard it and for a few seconds he didn't know how to answer that so he just repeated " you don't have strong cards". President Zelensky is so much smarter than Trump and Vance combined.
Please Share to Help Support Ukraine on March 20th with “Dress Like Zelenskyy Day” No Suits, No Ties, No "Costume" 🇺🇦 March 20th is the first day of spring and is a time of new life and renewal, when nature awakens from winter and bursts with fresh energy. #dresslikevolodymyrzelenskyy #supportukraine
As much as I hate the whole toxic masc thing he's kinda sexy, even to a man. I mean he's pulling off all these 80's one-liner comebacks like "you're raising your voice not the logic of your argument" sounds like a line from A Few Good Men
What does Trump know about cards? He plays golf. He knows how to swing a club but President Zelensky beat the crap out of Trump with a deuce and a trey.
"When the war is over, perhaps I will wear a costume. Something like yours. Maybe something better."
Those are Famous words.