A minor version bump (new features) **should be** more interesting than a major version bump (breaking changes).
v2.4.0 -> Super cool new capability!
v3.0.0 -> Drop Node.js 16
v3.1.0 -> Another cool feature!
v2.4.0 -> Super cool new capability!
v3.0.0 -> Drop Node.js 16
v3.1.0 -> Another cool feature!
Is it fair to assume that it could be grouped as v{any breaking-change}.{feature}.{refactor|bugfix|chore} ?
Semver would be great, if it wasn't for the users of it. As is, you can't trust that anyone who says they do Semver actually does it right every time. And when updating one dependency you end up updating maybe hundreds of dependency dependencies and someone is bound too have messed up.
Deep dep updates are truely private.
Agree that some people still mess it ep tho. Facing this now with lru-cache floating to another major, which dropped node 18 (only when using yarn@1 tho?!)
patch -> "yes! maybe that issue has been fixed!"
minor -> is like receiving a gift from someone who knows you
major -> is like receiving a gift from a random person
> Ember major versions only remove deprecated features. They never introduce new features. This means major releases are not exciting, just a predictable point where some cleanup happens.
Most importantly because I tend to over engineer things...
But indeed Ember has a really nice approach
1. tracking new features
2. tracking API stability
3. tracking changes in side-effects (e.g. for compilers and linters; see the eternal "typescript doesn't follow semver" controversy)
I really like what Ember is doing and might even adopt this in my own projects