It’s actually mutually beneficial as technically that is a holy liquid! Sure it’s been obtained by less than pure means but it absolutely demolishes late game bosses when used on weapons or thrown on them! Sure you could revive your sweetheart, but revive tickets are rare to come by…why waste it?
She could have healed herself at any moment and endured through just so you could (pitifully) try and save her, but no…she just let it happen. She learned to enjoy being a good exp bait in only 30 minutes! If she did come back it certainly wouldn’t last for long, so spare yourself the heartbreak!
Thank you! I’ve always been a big fan of prey serving some use after they’ve already been such a good snack. why waste all that (un)holy ‘water’ by reforming her from it when she wanted to be snuffed out so badly in the first place! He should have taken her with him and not felt so bad about it but
No, He just left the motherload. Holy water is something that only given out to royals on rare occasions, and he’s just been given a whole tub full for free! He might have to learn to ‘brew’ like that for himself. Being the whole ‘chosen warrior’ makes priestesses fall head over heels for him.