Why would you do this to fellow Canadians? I’m in Ontario and are in dire need of physicians. I’m one of the lucky ones to have a doctor but telling possible new doctors to not go to our provinces is beneath you. Not nice.
Perhaps if Ford didn't shit all over healthcare workers and didn't make finding one any easier, it's Hunger Games out there. Why isn't there a registry for patients that doctors can pull from? Hundreds left ON/AB to practice in BC.
Believe me, I hate Drug Fraud. And I’m disgusted that people voted for him again and that people didn’t vote. People keep blaming the feds when it’s the province that’s responsible for health care and delivery. The feds just transfer the money. If hundreds left to go to BC, why do you need more?
We needed more before the pandemic. We still need about 400-500 more. We have the lowest patient to GP ratio in Canada. We poached doctors with a new pay model. We drained them from Alberta too.