PM’s official spokesman on Boris Johnson blaming obesity on the Church of England: “I don’t quite follow his line of argument”.
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Boris Johnson lecturing on obesity, is like getting hair care tips from Reich Said Fred.
Why do people listen to this buffoon?
*says it*
That's a bit meta for a Tuesday.
He caused untold damage in so many ways, not least in eroding standards of integrity. He had his chance in power & blew it. I wish journalists would now ignore his pathetic attempts to get attentiion.
Next step - try to garner support from religious zealots, like Republicans in the USA.
He needs to be kept well away from the levers of power.
On the other hand, maybe we can't 😆
Probably where he got his hobby of building buses out of cardboard from?
The idea of truth?
Another sermon that's a load of 'pot' to them.
Marital honesty?
The Bene Gesserit truth sayers would use voice & sharp edges on sight.
Not certain it's fuelled by food, tbh.
A solution to the Church's crisis of attendance presents itself: Johnson can invite his myriad offspring.
Make it make sense
Johnson will say anything for media oxygen.
He talks in mangled gibberish.
Lord knows why he is STILL getting attention
I mean, my younger days we were poor, but not that poor.
He’s utterly irrelevant until he’s in the dock.
Like everything that detestable man spouts, it's a word salad of self- aggrandising bollocks.
It's pathetic!
I never ate dog shit though. Did I miss out?
Spiritual, I don't think so.
I don't understand why he is given air time.
Secondly as someone famously described by Jennifer Arcuri as being like “a bin bag full of custard” he is in no position to call anyone a “fatso”