I like Beer Brett and Coathanger Barrett were on Shrub’s legal team. Roger Stone, convicted felon, orchestrated that run on the election workers in Florida. We’ve seen this all before. Also, zero doubt their appointments were the reward. It’s all quid pro quo in the DC swamp.
What a colossal waste of time that was for Jack. All that work only to lose his job and to be completely shat one. Zero justice. No accountability. Fuck Merrick Garland and may his legacy as AG be remembered as a shit stain.
Justice is dead. If we are a nation of laws and 5 people can change it if they’re paid enough, or remove a DA if they’re paid enough, it’s all just BS, a slogan, a delusion. What’s left to have faith in? it’s just silly at this point. Insurrection act is coming. RIP America #3.5%rule