The Other Fox News Lawsuit For Same Lies Is Bigger!
Fox News Paid Millions To Victims Of Fox News “Hosts” For Sexual Assaults -Spanning Years! Other Murdoch (Owner) News Media’s Paid Millions Worldwide For Lies And Defamation!
Prince Harry-2 Days Ago Paid! Other Famous People/U.S. Veteran Recent Yrs
Have found it fascinating that he attacks MSNBC but has he ever attacked Maddow? Have never heard it and he attacks everyone. Must be scared. Rightly so. Masterful truthful story teller can run circles around his lying ass.
I was boycotting MSNBC since the election but decided to tune in this week for Rachel and then Lawrence. They are
doing great reporting and deserve our viewership. Hard NO to Joe & Mika
And #fugeddabout CNN who with great excitement reported just this morning THE LIE that trump's rating has gone up 3 points in January. No way that's true. Just no way.
It felt like CNN was pushing a false tRump narrative in the EXACT SAME WAY AS FOX.
#StayWoke #Resist
And worthless fox "news" is about to face Smartmatic in court next, who they likewise damaged w their lies. Smartmatic is seel ng $2.7B, which, I hope, is just the tip of the iceberg, after punitive damages. I hope to see them sued out of existence. Deservedly so.
These lawsuits are a joke. What's the point when they can still operate and spread the same bullsh*t that got them in hot water to begin with? Cancel culture needs to come back.
I keep wondering, what Orange Convicted Felon actually does other than tweet, sign pardons and Executive Orders he doesn’t even read, eat fast food, and shit in his diapers? I mean, does he have any hobbies other than revenge? 🧐🤣
Fox News Paid Millions To Victims Of Fox News “Hosts” For Sexual Assaults -Spanning Years! Other Murdoch (Owner) News Media’s Paid Millions Worldwide For Lies And Defamation!
Prince Harry-2 Days Ago Paid! Other Famous People/U.S. Veteran Recent Yrs
doing great reporting and deserve our viewership. Hard NO to Joe & Mika
It felt like CNN was pushing a false tRump narrative in the EXACT SAME WAY AS FOX.
#StayWoke #Resist