The European Parliament are now pushing to remove Hungary’s voting rights in the EU due to its repugnant Dictator Viktor Orban blocking crucial decisions specifically actions against Russia in order to sabotage Ukraine/President Zelenskyy.
This is an absolute must. Do it!
This is an absolute must. Do it!
...trump guzzling asshole!👊
NATO should do whatever it takes to admit Ukraine into NATO and then give Russia 10 days to pull out of NATO territory before NATO forces enter on Ukraine’s behalf.
If we remove the requirement of consensus, smaller countries will lose an important safeguard.
Gotta be careful here.
But at what cost?
Then we can have the European senate with equal representation from all member countries and whatever they vote for, goes.
I have a dream.
Then if russkies attack Poland or Baltics, no French or German generals could say, oh, it's their problem.
We're a feckin mess here.
But tfg (Trumputin) is sending this country to hell in a hand basket.
I feel like we'll get back to being okay again. I just don't know when...
Go EU! It's good to see your spines straight!
We need global help for the Ukrainians, since the orange monster & his fascist regime have bailed on them.