Most the money Muck said he earned by the sweat of his brow, genius, hard work, rugged individualism with a side hustle of begetting 13 children by multiple blanks (word now forbidden by Trump Edict) & blah blah blah was from government (tax payer funded) grants, wasn't it?
No human has been outside high orbit since the moon landings.
The reason is the high radiation in outer space and i doubt the will ever solve this problem for a hundred years. If he goes to mars he will be basically microwaved
There is a good article on the NASA site about protecting astronauts from radiation on a trip to Mars. I’ve always liked the idea of a water shield, personally, as you have to carry it with you anyway, so why not have it in a tank around a safe room?
In my mind one of the problems with Teslas business model for it’s automotive division is the real profit comes from replacement collision parts but many of the Tesla’s explode in vehicle crashs rendering them right offs.
They also become uninsurable because insurance companies can’t recover value
Totally untrue. I’ve seen numerous accounts of Tesla owners hoping their cars will be written off after relatively serious accidents but they aren’t as parts are quite cheap.
Most people, rightly, can’t stand Musk but let’s not resort to misinformation and disinformation like the right do.
I’m talking about your statement that Tesla’s are 2 costly to fix, which is completely untrue.
The article u linked is also 4 years old, Tesla has greatly improved efficiency in their factories and their cars are far more profitable now.
Again I can’t stand Musk but let’s not promote misinformation
I wasn’t implying that Tesla are too costly to fix sorry what i was intimating is thats where auto manufactures make their profit & it will take until a tesla crashes or is out of warranty to start making real profit. I’m sorry if you interpeted that tesla would be more expensive than other evs
I give you an idea of who you are talking to is i spend my afternoons in a panel shop drinking and comparing quote costs because of my business Forensic accounting background. Given i know how many are left to smoulder that have crashes on the Calder highway in Victoria australia.
Unfortunately it’s not as bad as it looks. If the bottom line of the graph was zero, the steep decline would look more like a slight dip.
Zero suppressed graphs don’t allow your eyes to see it in the context of the whole value.
It’s not so much that it’s dropping it’s that the underlaying causes are huge like a 50% drop in sales in europe when EV sales increased & the price to earnings is rediculous for an automotive or electronics company.
At this point in time the volumes tell me the smart long term investors are getting out. The volumes will be 20 times higher when the real panic sets in.
We are at the point when the boy in the crowd had called the Emperor naked
The reason is the high radiation in outer space and i doubt the will ever solve this problem for a hundred years. If he goes to mars he will be basically microwaved
Or is it non-ionising
They also become uninsurable because insurance companies can’t recover value
“if Harris gets in, I’m fucked”.
That’s all I need to know how dastardly things have been which got both those fuckers in the WH.
Most people, rightly, can’t stand Musk but let’s not resort to misinformation and disinformation like the right do.
The article u linked is also 4 years old, Tesla has greatly improved efficiency in their factories and their cars are far more profitable now.
Again I can’t stand Musk but let’s not promote misinformation
Zero suppressed graphs don’t allow your eyes to see it in the context of the whole value.,a%20trough%20or%20a%20pullback.
We are at the point when the boy in the crowd had called the Emperor naked