been doing that since I was an actual toddler myself, fake kids shows I would see fitting on the big 3 respective kids networks and all that lmao (now I don't stand a chance against the corporate overlords though sadly)
I learned to cook extravagant meals and complicated dishes because my parents worked so much that my dinner was always overcooked and under seasoned. I wouldn't call myself an artist, but I completely understand the sentiment. Art shines a light on the holes in us.
yep. when I wrote my short story collection the idea was that it was I book from a parallel universe that I would've found in my jr. high school library. 😋
not secretly. I want to make stuff 12 year old me would have seen in Sword of the Phoenix after 1 1/2 hours of walking and riding MARTA in 90 degree weather, and it would have been the BEST ART EVER!
At least speaking for myself that is exactly right! And every time I feel demotivated I imagine if I could show what I’m doing to my younger self and how much they’d go crazy for it! It’s always such a wonderful feeling
IMO some of the best creative stuff we've seen come out has always been birthed from the idea of "Wow, I wish X existed - I should make it!", I wish it were more viable for more creatives to act on that 🙏
I used to draw cartoons for secondary school texts. Always had it in mind to amuse the bored kid and if possible gently poke fun at the subject in question. I used to be that bored kid and those sort of pics kept me going.
the horrors in cinematic form were a nice catharsis
(you can be going around telling people shit like this there are systems in place for a reason!!.)
.... at least until the next visit.
note: its not an obsession/lifelong ambition! but it does weirdly combine all the things i like sculpting - gnarly fleshy weirdness etc