Health care’s been in the forefront of political debate for generations. The issue isnt health care, the profits made by a business or what legal duty a CEO of a publicly traded entity has. The issue is gunning a man down simply to make a statement: Issue - Gun Control.
Why? Because lobbyists, PACs, and lack of media attention. Well, we got it now! Let's use it!
It's clear who you care about.
also excess mortality rate was huge in 2020 because of covid, my dude.
It's every metric. It really is.
I didn't bother to go in any further depth because you're not gonna believe it anyway.
A murderer murdered a murderer. All bad.
But don't expect me, or any sane person, to feel bad for *either* of the murderers.
So, every single person who got a rejection, and then proceeded to die is a murder in which the person who *decided* they would die, is culpable.
Everyone loses here, but patients lose the most.
This is just basic logic.
"John Brown's body lies a'moulderin' in the grave,
but his truth goes marching on!"
I concur with Frederick Douglass.
Gun control is part of it, but overall it's a societal issue. Our society creates these violent people.
And this is the U.S... there's nothing stopping someone from getting the info on the darkweb to build gun types of weapons at home.
Moral: if someone wants to be violent, they're gonna be.
Appears to me School shootings and other shootings would reduce dramatically with gun control
This case seems different.
Not sure of full background to this one
Can anybody share a link about this guys motivation
Didn't stop him trying to mass murder teenage girls.
you just haven't paid attention
Main point: that's not usually the type of person that does that. They have much more to lose.