Heard about one of the kids' friends (brilliant, straight A student, top notch undergrad) who just learned they were not accepted into *any* PhD programs -- not because of their qualifications, but because none of the programs feel like they can accept students at this time under the current […]
Part of my personal thinking on this is I am an old, white, straight, married guy. If I could keep my mouth shut, I'd be relatively fine. (Spoiler: I can't keep my mouth shut.) What I most worry about are female, queer, and trans family members. If any of them had an opportunity to leave […]
Sorry. That sucks rocks. Maybe the kid should be looking for something outside the US. Might as well benefit from the ongoing brain-drain...
I gave thought to moving to Canada when Trump 1 was elected. Not that seriously, and didn't for a variety of reasons, but I thought about it. Now kind of having regrets not bugging out when I had the chance.
Yup. But I already live in the Pacific NW so the culture shock isn't as great, and we know people up there (a couple of whom offered the sponsor us if we wanted). But I'm very attached to my shabby little house and my shabby little town by the sea, and I wasn't prepared to ditch my […]
My child applied to grad programs in Europe and the US and hasn’t gotten into any US programs yet (so not likely) but did get an acceptance in Britain so planning on heading there.
More like Whew! It’s a prestigious program and was their long shot top choice too, so lack of any communication from American unis at this point is…troubling.