It didn't get posted back then because the idea was a combination of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic reference with Portal 2 propulsion gel. According to the supposed my audience persona, most won't enjoy this one so I just saved it for myself.
However, recently. The social media compass has been broken, and I don't know what to do anymore... I think I need to readjust my audience persona. But I lacked the data to do that... so, in this case... I can't click the post button on my recent art.
Everyone seems to enjoy the Simple Miku... But, deep inside me, I want to do more so that all the art knowledge that I have gathered is maintained, especially the anatomy part. Imagine how soul-crushing it is to have studied a lot of anatomy just to be simplified.
Hmm. I think if you keep doing what really makes you happy is... Well... The best 😊. But as long as you will make a simple Miku time to time to idk. Relax or something, everyone will be happy. Bruh. I like every art that you made. If some people have a problem with that, that's not your problem 🤭.
That's true. Art and illustration are different things. Art tends to be on the fun side. The simple formula "Just have fun" is real, however, things get worrying when the fun is shifted. Especially when the old fun is the requirement to make more big goals. It puzzling sometimes...
Maybe you can have miku do some cool dynamic poses with some nice simple background, i feel that will help show how good your anatomy skills are, i can help too
I like Simple Miku as much as anyone else, but I totally get the desire to maintain skills and develop them further. Getting "stuck" in your own niche can be detrimental in the long run.
So, I choose to believe in you and your process in exploring that aspect of your art. 😌👍
That was my goal before, reaching a niche. However, it's not really what I was hoping. I guess I will try to find a more suitable niche. I hope the exploration won't hurt the algorithm so much.
Just bounce on her own hair
So, I choose to believe in you and your process in exploring that aspect of your art. 😌👍