“It’s so blindingly - excuse my language - bleedin’ obvious that in an intelligent, affluent, civilised society we get this done.”
Sir Andrew Dilnot tearing strips off the government yesterday for deferring addressing the crisis in social care until 2028. (1/3)
Sir Andrew Dilnot tearing strips off the government yesterday for deferring addressing the crisis in social care until 2028. (1/3)
E.g. lone parent (me) suicide risk since 2013: 2x10hrs MH care. 5yrs since last appt
S1E1: You start 1hr sessions with psychologist. In Ep 8 you're told there's 2 left
You're told them sessions are capped at 10 after which a new referral is needed.
You wait 12-18 months to start at S2E1 & try to pick up where you left off
Series 2 - you start again, ever mindful of the 10 session ticking clock & no certainty of a series 3.
By S2E6 you're told to create a plan for life after S2.
You barely recapped S1 and now after opening yourself up to even more vulnerability you'll be left to your own devices in 4 weeks.
Living in the darkest corners of your mind was so much easier. Should've just checked out ages ago
The next 2 weeks are just brave facing. Making it look like you'll be ok because you know your therapist feels bad about it all.
In truth you've checked out that 1 corner in which you can get comfy and avoid the light. You're moving back in in 10 days.
But 1 in 8 beds contain medically fit patients needing social care. And people in overcrowded A&Es are dying NOW. (2/3)
And Labour’s lack of political courage on social care - despite their immense majority - is making them partly culpable. (3/3)
But at least it's not as bad as dentistry.