🧵/ I agonised over whether to write this Sunday Times piece.
Whipped-up emotion, hate & vitriol now dominate discussions of assisted dying on here - appallingly.
We have to be able to converse in good faith - & concerns should not be dismissed as "noise". (1/n)
Whipped-up emotion, hate & vitriol now dominate discussions of assisted dying on here - appallingly.
We have to be able to converse in good faith - & concerns should not be dismissed as "noise". (1/n)
Leadbeater is so biased and has so much power (why? because of her sister?) that we need whatever we can get to investigate what she’s doing and what it might lead to.
Would you trust her with life or death matters?
(And the opaquely funded groups are RW and anti - see Tufton St.)
But - based on my years of experience in palliative care - I am painfully aware of the need to get the safeguards right. (2/n)
There were, sadly, one or two exceptions. (4/n)
(Worryingly, in my experience doctors can struggle with assessing capacity & coercion, esp in palliative care.) (5/n)
The recent furore over the replacement of High Court judge approval of cases of AD with a 'Judge Plus' multidisciplinary panel is a case in point. (6/n)
They help us make decisions about what treatments & interventions to offer to a patient, based on all the different ways we know the patient.
Crucially, MDTs pool expertise. (7/n)