Democrats in the congressional minority have some power: delaying or stopping bad legislation, speaking out, etc. But if you’re angry that Congress isn’t doing anything to respond to unconstitutional Executive actions, anger at democrats is misplaced. (Thread)
But the nation is on fire & we need to do anything to save it.
Dems should be doing more to educate their constituents and the wider populace of what is going on. We need opposition energy or we will lose our democracy.
This is dang
We can (and should) blame plenty of other people along the way. The corrupt and decaying system; the voters; the Republicans.
But the Dems do not get a pass.
I just know he didn't, and as a result the republic is dead. Thousands of people are going to die from this illegitimate regime's incompetence and malice.
His oath required him to defend the constitution from "all enemies, foreign and domestic" as well as faithfully executing the laws (of which the 14th amendment is one).
I think we'll find it doesn't come back.
America has bad legislation because...
We The People vote for Theater for Profit Politicians.
We The People are complicit & do not VOTE.
We The People must stand together UNITED & reject every investigation & lie they tell of our Dem communicators-invest & vote 2026.
Providing free care. I guess my patients daily stories and fears inspire me so I don’t need leaders, but wouldn’t mind them. Schumer is a Zionist old turnip.
Power rests with the people and this violates rights of many American citizens.
According to the Associated Press as of 02/13/2025, 06:20, Donald Trump received 77,303,563 total votes in the 2024 presidential election (Allegedly).
The population of the US is over 346,573,585 people as of 02/13/25.
And by all means direct energy to finding people who can win and will fight for us. I agree we can do better in many cases.
* a god no true Christian would recognise and Jesus would piss on.
And for the 1st time in my life, I fear US military might.
The genesis of all this....
Maybe the US electorate wants this shit show.
How are supposed to scream at Rs if we live in red states? They won’t take calls seriously from out of state zip codes.
170,000,000 🇺🇸 Men
2nd Amendment
Right to Bear Arms in Case of
Tyrannical Government
1,000’s Kids Shot by 🇺🇸 Men
Thoughts and Prayers
Tyrannical Gvmt Shoots Back
🇺🇸 Men: Crickets
Fascism Arrives in 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 Men: Crickets
Superbowl & Daytona
🇺🇸 Men: Watching like they are on Heroin