And they were idiots for doing so- rule number one of using protest songs is never use a protest song without making sure it actually aligns with your values.
I rewatched their ‘Live at Finsbury Park’ video in its entirety last week. The story behind the free concert is quite amazing. A hell of a performance too.
When rage got back together they all stayed at trump hotel in New York, except for Zack the lead singer. Tom morello also used capitalism to get rich while wearing authoritarian Soviet Union symbols.
Tom Morello correctly stated that both parties have engaged in criminal activity in pursuit of power. The entire system is rotten from the core. Both parties have utterly failed the American people. I voted for Harris, but Democrats are not perfect and must be held accountable for their wrongs.
How exactly should Democrats be held accountable? News flash, no matter who leads America we will always help protect the only Democracy in the Middle East, our ally Israel, from the terrorists who surround it and want to turn into another theocratic dictatorship with zero freedom for women or gays.
Maybe it’s time to stop saying a third party can’t be the answer, and fight to topple those on top. Our fights can’t stay horizontal- against each other- as they have been. It keeps us divided and powerless. Time to punch UP at those in power, they ALL oppress the people.
I won’t pretend to have answers. But the Dems know this election was not free and fair and they handed over the keys without a fight just to keep the peace. Should have fought the 2000 results harder, and didn’t. Should have fought this one, and didn’t. Two party system killed democracy in America.
Rules for resistance
1. Goal focus: Get 3.5% of the population in active resistance.
2. Build local support networks and get involved in local governments.
3. Coalesce with existing and experienced orgs. Don't start new ones.
4. Refrain from moralizing. Action only.
5. Make art and spectacle.
MAGAts were using the song to protest Covid vaccines and masking.
Reagan loved to use "Born in the USA" as a campaign song, until Springsteen had to tell him to knock it off.
~ G U I L L O T I N E ~
She sided with fascist police gangs against unarmed voters.
1. Goal focus: Get 3.5% of the population in active resistance.
2. Build local support networks and get involved in local governments.
3. Coalesce with existing and experienced orgs. Don't start new ones.
4. Refrain from moralizing. Action only.
5. Make art and spectacle.