I hope for the sake of The US and the free world that the republican party and its followers wake up and realize the clear and present danger he is to democracy and world stability or will greed and stupidity win?
Sadly it's a toss up IMO. Time for the rest of us to be far less dependent on them.
Disguise a paddy wagon as a Playboy bus, and say there are bikini super models in there that look like Ivanka, and instead of being women, they will actually be alligators. Slam the door shut once he's inside *SNAP SNAP CHOMP*
No, not advocating for anyone to do it. He’ll then become a martyr to his deranged cult. And natural selection with an inevitable heart attack thanks to his crappy eating habits might take too long. Self-inflicted sounds the best.
He could choke on a chicken bone. I mean in the wings they can be little… but yeah agree he will become a martyr if he is kill by someone better die of natural cause …
Sadly it's a toss up IMO. Time for the rest of us to be far less dependent on them.
At least he's got some boundaries.
...heart attack feels likely.
40% of his blood is probably Big Mac sauce at this point.