the double dose of fentanyl for that administration and she thought (mistakenly) it was to be a single dose on that hour. I decided I would apologize the next time she came in. There was great communication in the hospital. I had meetings every morning with the team leader and team of docs
the double dose of fentanyl for that administration and she thought (mistakenly) it was to be a single dose on that hour. I decided I would apologize the next time she came in. There was great communication in the hospital. I had meetings every morning with the team leader and team of docs
that would be working on me that day. I had surgeons, residents and med students in for a morning meeting to explain my day, my procedures, my meds and every person involved. All were listed on the whiteboard in my room and all the times and dosages of meds and I was visited regularly by docs
and the lead asking if I had any questions. Sometimes you don’t think of questions right away so appreciated opportunity to be asked at different times. Of the memorable exchanges, I remember asking the lead surgeon on my neck surgeries (he was good, did have an ego, was a straight shooter)
after he had performed the first survey of the second would be easier for me. Told him that I had heard the second would be easier on me and he yelled “Easier?! Who told you that?! That’s not true. It is going to be much harder! The first was through the front. There is nothing in front. The
second will be through the back and it will be much worse. We have to get through all the muscles and tendons in back that hold your head up, so your surgery and recovery, much more significant.
I laughed. I found it all pretty amusing and him pretty amusing. I appreciated the candor. I
was administered ketamine for the first surgery and it was incredible. After surgery I had two of my nephews who live in the Denver area there when I was coming down and we laughed and talked and I felt like I was in heaven. Remembering that I didn’t find the concerning info about surgery two
to be concerning. With that ketamine I could not only survive anything, but I’d also enjoy it. I looked forward to the ketamine. Sadly, however, I got different drugs for surgery two. The anesthesiologist met with me prior to surgery and explained what he’d be giving me. I asked him about