significant financial resources or the ability to work. The one appointment I missed that did bother me was my scheduled orientation meeting with the Denver Harm Reduction Action Center where I intended to volunteer. They did the meetings quarterly, I think and I would miss mine and have
significant financial resources or the ability to work. The one appointment I missed that did bother me was my scheduled orientation meeting with the Denver Harm Reduction Action Center where I intended to volunteer. They did the meetings quarterly, I think and I would miss mine and have
to wait even LONGER before I could volunteer. Eventually I got to my orientation and would work a weekly shift serving the clients, providing them with clean needles and other smoking materials, access to naloxone, healthcare resources, mental health resources, clean socks, toothpaste, snacks,
feminine hygiene products and products for skincare, wound care, access to classes they could attend and get a free visa gift card. The people were so nice and I learned so much from the orientation and from the orientation for a rotating shelter for which I volunteered in Chicago for people
experiencing homelessness. Both those experiences and similar experiences earlier in life and personal work in my journey have caused me recently to leave a decades long career in government relations (local, state and federal) and leave Washington, DC, return to Chicago where my kids still
live and work as adults and quit my career and try to start a new one helping people, particularly those who are often disadvantaged or compromised or ignored or abused by our society and systems. I still owe for my hospital bills from the accident but moved back to Chicago
Got my license as a substitute teacher, went through all approvals and background checks for Chicago Public Schools and am working in different classrooms every day in different, diverse schools throughout Chicago and have applied for opportunities to get an education degree and be certified
I’ve got BA and a JD but have no education, training or certification to work in public/community health or teach in schools. Substitute teaching doesn’t pay much, not sure what will happen if not chosen for the programs to which I’ve applied but we will see. I have been staying in my