Red One:
Not as bad as I wanted, just kinda mid. Highlights include Chris Evans’ char being a dick during the first half, a few solid jokes, and a dope “Santa delivering gifts” montage, but most of it felt boring. It had some good ideas, esp the villain and her plan, just rough action/execution
Not as bad as I wanted, just kinda mid. Highlights include Chris Evans’ char being a dick during the first half, a few solid jokes, and a dope “Santa delivering gifts” montage, but most of it felt boring. It had some good ideas, esp the villain and her plan, just rough action/execution
Was a bit ago, but I love how serious it was with no real voice acting. Animation was uncanny at times but integrated with the plot well enough.
Fun turn your brain off movie, nothing deep but fun to laugh at. Docking points for “battle shits”.
Def an improvement! Way more jokes landed, the bad guy and his assistant were HILARIOUS additions, and there was at least a fraction of a plot. Ending was kinda dumb but who cares.