VIP Rank
New VIP rank available in the exclusive shop!
- 🍀 VIP luck boost
- 🏷️ VIP chat tag & color
- 👑 VIP trade badge
- 💰 VIP booth & hoverboard
- 💎 400,000 diamonds
Insane value! The diamonds alone pay for this!
New VIP rank available in the exclusive shop!
- 🍀 VIP luck boost
- 🏷️ VIP chat tag & color
- 👑 VIP trade badge
- 💰 VIP booth & hoverboard
- 💎 400,000 diamonds
Insane value! The diamonds alone pay for this!
The Forever Pack is INFINITE!
If you buy an item, you’ll get some for FREE.
Progress through the rewards as you wish!
- Added rolling to continue on login if it was on during logout
- Added the update changelog
- Added the update countdown timer
- Added virtual cursor for console
- Changed drops to be orbs instead of items
- Changed top value to be first shown leaderboard
- Fixed index shop saying you have tokens, but cant spend them
- Fixed max zoom-out distance in upgrades menu un-rendering the menu
- Fixed no GUI showing sometimes on login (and other cases)
- Fixed rank up number getting cut off during the animation
- Fixed server leaderboard 🤫 pet odds
- Removed hatch animations on secret pets
- Removed the water texture on mobile for lag