Please be aware ICE & DHS are contacting LOCAL agencies offering funding to assist in incarceration space !
It’s imperative people are paying attention to LOCAL AGENCIES & GOVERNMENT despite how easy it is to be overwhelmed by the horrors that abound Federal Gov
And it’s also self-evident that the preferred MAGA response is that “the private sector can do things better than the government”
And it’s similarly manifestly true that that’s not the case *at all* - unless “doing it better” means profit for those entities and resulting campaign donations
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I was not aware of this, but ICE detainees do not receive protections under the 13th amendment and forced to slave labor, or be tortured by the private company operating the Arbeitslager (Detention facility), such as the one in San Diego (up to 2 years of isolation confinement in a fridge cell)
Musk and Trump's actions to institute apartheid in US benefit the investor class. Top 1% own half the stock market; top 10% own 87%. Black and Latino Americans in US collectively each own <1% of US stock market. War & prison industry take tax dollats from everyone to enrich the mostly white & rich.
Source for who owns stockmarket: The idea of "shareholder primacy" since 1980s resulted in corporations showing less & less responsibility to their workers & community, w more & more gains for ceos & shareholders. Each new war & private prison policy takes money from...
...Each war & private prison policy takes $$$ from ALL taxpayers, and gives it to weapons, oil, AI, prison contractors. The ceos & investors of those companies, the top 1-10% of US, profit. The constant drive for war, genocide in Gaza, expansion of prison industry is largely driven by endless greed.
Federal contracts with these companies include a guaranteed minimum (thank you Democrats) If the minimum is 1000 beds but only receive 750 prisoners, they are paid for 1000
Shut down all private prisons. We have the highest incarceration in the world. This is unacceptable. ICE is an evil program run by an evil person/animal abuser, Kristy Noem. She is so bad that she is banned from all Indian Reservations across S. Dakota.
Looking at who profits, tells the true motivation behind anything Trumpelstiltskin and Muskrat do. War is profitable to a select group of people. It’s ALWAYS been, Rich men who start wars.
Thankfully this is not correct. People held in ICE detention are protected by the 13th Amendment (the exception in the Amendment is only for those convicted of a crime), and are in fact supposed to be protected from improper treatment (though of course in practice that protection often fails).
And to be clear, I accused nobody of not being able to read. I clarified, that my level of understanding of the legality of all of this is at "reading level". I have no law background.
This is why the "Arbeit macht frei" statement is more meaningful than ever before.
It is pure mockery & cruel irony of the victims of this system, to claim, they receive rights under the 13th amendment or the constitution, when their detention is highly illegal in first place.
Thank you for explaining a key part of the Holocaust to a Jew, but it is neither cruel nor mocking to say to victims, "this should not have happened to you. The laws of our land will see that your abuser is punished for what he did to you."
To clarify, there are absolutely allegations of forced labor in ICE detention, and successful lawsuits have been filed against that precisely *because* it is not legal.
It’s imperative people are paying attention to LOCAL AGENCIES & GOVERNMENT despite how easy it is to be overwhelmed by the horrors that abound Federal Gov
Government is not for profit. I've worked in it. We rubbed 2 pennies to make a dime in order to do our job with the money allocated.
Even going out to bid for a contract. The power is in the pen.
And it’s similarly manifestly true that that’s not the case *at all* - unless “doing it better” means profit for those entities and resulting campaign donations
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
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A simple Google search is eyepopping.
I'd hazard a guess, he's getting kickbacks.
Always a hidden money scam behind this greed monster
2 year detention:
Forced labor:
Punishment for refusal of slave labor:
I'm no law expert on the 13th Amendment to be fair, but can read
If you're going to accuse other people of not reading, perhaps reading more clearly would be in order.
It is pure mockery & cruel irony of the victims of this system, to claim, they receive rights under the 13th amendment or the constitution, when their detention is highly illegal in first place.
Maybe this country is in urgent need of a change of dialogue and language on this topic.