The rather wonderful did an extensive tour of bookshops and libraries at the tail end of last year. Might be worth contacting them? I think you'd like them. The Bookshop Band write songs inspired by books and play them in bookshops.
I admit to being a bit of an architectural nerd when it comes to finding listed buildings that councils can't knock down or alter. There are some beautiful libraries out there with lots of books just waiting to be read!
ps, also the libraries that have been halved in size due to council cuts. My local library now has half its quantity of books from yrs ago thanks to the re-location of the council offices. You tend to have to ask for books from other branches ☹️.
Anywhere near Solihull/Brum would be great (and central) - the Core Library in Solihull has some good spaces. We’re sparse on independent bookshops, though - Kenilworth Books maybe?
I imagine you'd get a good crowd in Cambridge but I don't have any connections at any venues ... Do say if you book one, though, please! Otherwise I will strive to be at Ely.
If not, how about
Itinerant in C that’s me