President-elect Donald Trump is on track to break the record he set in 2016 for appointing the wealthiest cabinet in history, tapping these billionaires for his next administration.
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So, The Billionaire’s Boy Club has bought control of our country because
Uneducated voters had no idea what they even voted for, except the red hat the wore.
Trump, the Verschlimmbessern; will make us all, more poor. will give US, a inflation rate over 10 % in the first year, in his office.
The rich get richer 💰💰💰🤑🤑🤑 and the poor get poorer☹️☹️☹️☹️.
Trump, the Verschlimmbessern; do not know anything about, not be rich.
Have only rich friends.
It's just a matter of time before Trump throws Elon under the bus like he does with everyone he calls "friend" just ask Rudy Giuliani, he was loyal and look what that got him. He lost everything.
Seriously - like how is it that this guys face is just like SO ORANGE! I mean, that's like not even human looking. I realize that Elon is a pasty faced Aryan looking Hitler youth type. But still. The "Don" looks like the Thanksgiving turkey when you take it out of the oven.
I feel bad for all those unions members that believed the “hype” regarding what his surrogates were selling smh. Unfortunately the only way wages go up is oftentimes dependent on unions. Needless to say Bidens/ Harris’s support wasn’t enough for them and now we all pay smh
They’ve just decided they are better than any of us are set on making it all about them. Notice none of the billionaires are know for their philanthropy. Shocking.
Instead of seeing themselves as public servants working for the people, this class of politician see themselves as the bosses and the voters merely employees to be exploited in their for-profit enterprise of running the USA
What could go wrong? 🙄
Uneducated voters had no idea what they even voted for, except the red hat the wore.
The rich get richer 💰💰💰🤑🤑🤑 and the poor get poorer☹️☹️☹️☹️.
Trump, the Verschlimmbessern; do not know anything about, not be rich.
Have only rich friends.
Not sure if I should laugh at MAGA or cry for the rest of us.