The events in Syria have made the world realise once again, or at least they should, that even the most cruel regime may fall and that Russia and its allies can be defeated.
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Duża niespodzianka ale prawda … każdy reżim na końcu upada i ta nagle …. Rosja wydaje się być już bardzo wyczerpana, gdyż zostawiła bez pomocy strategicznego sprzymierzonego …
Tak jest Panie Premierze. Proponuję jeszcze prawo blokujące wykorzystywanie kapitału z tych państw do operowania u nas i w całej Unii Europejskiej. Pozdrawiam 🤝
Pewien kłopot może być z wolnością gospodarczą. Amerykanom też zabronimy? A amerykańskim firmom z wieloma inwestorami z dziwnych krajów? Na przykład X.
As an American, if we go full authoritarian & begin siding with fascist countries, please do apply that to us!
Impacting the economy seems to be the only thing important to our leaders.
Sane, liberal democracy loving Americans need all the help we can get!
Z Ameryką zobaczy się w przyszłym roku czy jawnie pójdą w tany współpracy z Rosją, Węgrami, Iranem itd. Chociaż pewnie tak. Z tymże nie amerykanie chcą kupić TVN. Ale jeśli kapitał jest jawnie ze współpracy w/w państw to tak. A X to narzędzie propagandy.
Ja sądzę, że tam nie ma żadnej broni jądrowej, a jak jest, to taka co samej Rosji zagraża, albo w takim stanie, że ośmieszyłaby Rosję na arenie międzynarodowej. Tam wszystko jest dawno rozkradzione. Dlatego nie chcieli zagranicznej pomocy jak Kursk był w tarapatach.
But why are you so happy ? Radicals from Hajat Tahrir asz-Szam have roots right in Aklaida and have already announced the slaughter of the Kurds. This is probably not the best example.
People say the economic pressures, a volatile world along with the rise of social media are bad for democracies around the globe, because democracies don't know how to respond.
Guess what? Maybe it's bad for autocratic regimes too.
Jak Pan nie zdymisjonuje Siemoniaka I Bodnara to zobaczy Pan ,ze sam sie poda Pan do dymisji,Pis znow Pana wysadzi jak przy Aferze Tasmowej..
..A Pan daje sie robic Siemoniakowi....No chyba ze obaj macie cos wspolnego zeby CBA jeszce dzialalo.
To moze tak samo zrobimy z CBA????Wpadniemy i rozpieprzymy to smierdzace szambo!!!.Agent Tomek znowu ujawnia nowe dokumenty o przekretach CBA ,a wy czrujecie nas ze bedziecie likwidowac....Przeciez wy o wszystkim wiecie I to dalej firmujecie.Porazka panie Premierze.
As of today in terms of the help to Ukraine Poland is:
#1 in Tanks (more then rest of the rold combined)
#1 in APCs
#1 in Self-propelled artillery
#2 in Fighter jets
#2 in Helicopters
#1 in overall help per GDP
(yes, I wish the help was even bigger)
Ukraine needs airplanes because is losing in the air, which results in Russia gaining an advantage on the front line. Why won’t UK send its airplanes? After all, Russia is not going to attack London.
I write as someone from the other end of Europe. I always find what you say important and incisive. ( I'm sure your press secretary that writes this)
Glad I follow you.
Thank you for your service
It's true
And the butcher of the Middle East, Assad, fell at a spectacularly fast pace.
These are some questions about the future for which we will have to wait for answers. But one thing is certain - change has come, and the world is once again at a crossroads.
But, call me fussy, I don’t want America to have embarked on a half century of brutal authoritarianism in order to hope that it will end in defeat one day.
Armchair serial killers need to be seen for what they are, regardless to leading nations or corportions, their conscious or unconscious complicity needs to be addressed.
Freedom demands we stop the gaslighting and see the evil for what it is.
Panie Premierze,proszę spojrzeć na własne podwórko...dzięki pisowskim służbom w Polsce wróci reżim ziobry!..Czy Pan dalej będzie na to pozwalał?..przegramy wybory,jak dalej będziemy oglądać taką indolencję państwa...ABW zdradza państwo a Pan nie ma na to wpływu?...Pozdrawiam. Szara Obywatelka.
Impacting the economy seems to be the only thing important to our leaders.
Sane, liberal democracy loving Americans need all the help we can get!
Now it is important to set the right course.
Its history is an example to us ALL of never giving up when all hope seems lost, compatriots murdered & tyranny appears triumphant.
Yet Poland survived & it always WILL! 😍✨
Smert Voroham
Smert Voroham
Smert Voroham
Guess what? Maybe it's bad for autocratic regimes too.
..A Pan daje sie robic Siemoniakowi....No chyba ze obaj macie cos wspolnego zeby CBA jeszce dzialalo.
Sooner or later they will fall with a bang
You have Himars and tanks and much more
And send those 260B seized by Europe to buy even more weapons
Send it all to 🇺🇦
#1 in Tanks (more then rest of the rold combined)
#1 in APCs
#1 in Self-propelled artillery
#2 in Fighter jets
#2 in Helicopters
#1 in overall help per GDP
(yes, I wish the help was even bigger)
All help needs to go in . From all countries
The debate "we gave more" is simply useless
Well, it was you who started this debate about „we gave more” or „we gave first”.
Either we go all in in 🇺🇦 (if they still want to fight) , or we stop with empty statements.
Europe has seized 260B of russian assets.
Everyone must act. Europe is now producing enough 155mm shells but we still need to DECIDE
Being the biggest and 🇺🇦 still losing.? how does that help?
Why have 200 Himars in Polish territory? instead of sending them to Ukraine
Why have tanks when they would be useful in 🇺🇦 ?
🇷🇺 army is not about to attack poland
Glad I follow you.
Thank you for your service
And the butcher of the Middle East, Assad, fell at a spectacularly fast pace.
These are some questions about the future for which we will have to wait for answers. But one thing is certain - change has come, and the world is once again at a crossroads.
Amerykanie wybrali Trumpa - rasistę , faszystę i mizogina .
Let's increase the support for Ukraine. Putin must learn it the hard way.
Defeat is the only thing he understands.
Freedom demands we stop the gaslighting and see the evil for what it is.