They seem to seek trans Atlantic escalation though. Unsure if anything can be done to avoid this. I don't think appeasement will help either. But it's probably for the best not to accelerate nor exacerbate the rift while Europe is still short on weapons.
The boors and lovers of ruzzia have taken over the US. They speak the language that their voters like. We cannot allow ourselves to be insulted, we are a proud nation.
✊ Unity isn't words about its necessity. Unity of one aimed at isolating of another.
📌 Isolate Hungary, Russia and new USA. ☝️Conteractions must be counteracted.
🛑 The sink into Europe to dictatorship level is unacceptable.
🫥 Russia borders must be closed for each drone or missile. Targeting at 100%.
Prawdziwe przywództwo oznacza szacunek dla partnerów i sojuszników. Nawet dla mniejszych i słabszych. Nigdy arogancja. Drodzy przyjaciele, pomyślcie o tym.
I think one must be careful with such statements, as they are extremely generalized and unfair to many people who do not behave that way. If you ever want to know what Aspies say about his claims in this regard, I recommend the attached video.
I've already answered to your baseless psychotic accusations, which are based on selfishness and your personal experiences. This is a public debate, and it's not a bad thing to tighten up with your woke culture!
It has absolutely nothing to do with it. You're just spouting nonsense here, that's how it is. What those affected say is likely far more qualified than what you're saying here. But with what you're saying and your rudeness, you're disqualifying yourself.
He isn't even diagnosed, he just randomly decided he is autistic. He's got all the money in the world to get a proper diagnosis (which would likely be npd, narcissistic personality disorder and NOT autism) so please stop humouring him by copying his claim and insulting millions of people. Thank you
I'm not insulting anyone. You're a crazy communists!
This is how you confuse communism with humanism and brought the whole world to be dominated by dictators. It is good to study more, learn to be social and RESPONSIBLE!
You are claiming he's got aspergers, which doesn't even exist anymore and is called autism. And that is it a disease, which it isn't. And now you're ranting about communism and dictators? 🥴
Your Western "sensitivity" and "tolerance" led us to Musk and Trump. I have said that everyone has a specific development environment, and Musk's has exacerbated sociopathy. It has nothing to do with millions of people who receive normal treatment!!!
You have directly linked Musk stupidity and cruelty to his purported Asperger's. It is like linking a theft to a Slavic background of the thief in Germany.
Being anti-Musk/Trump/MAGA/Russia/AfD, pro-Ukraine, etc. does not mean one has to offend millions of benvolent people.
I have already answered. The fact that you don't read and are communists who only shout at people has become a global problem. Because of your weakness and hysterical understandings we have Musk and Trump.
Well, that’s what makes it worse! We trusted the US, rushed to help them (kind of - lots of protests!), and it turned out to be on false / wrong intelligence.
But the point is that many countries went to America’s aid when the asked us to … including Ukraine.
Prawdziwe przywództwo oznacza szacunek dla partnerów i sojuszników. Nawet dla mniejszych i słabszych. Nigdy arogancja. Drodzy przyjaciele, pomyślcie o tym.
i have made made a project to change to constitition, so you can make true leaders in Poland - who are respected... by people and are best candidates to be leaders
dokładnie - to jest tak - że to właśnie liderzy będą robić prawo i koniec robienia prawa dla samego prawa - bo będą musieli to co wybory wkuć na blachę co uprawili a jak nie zdadzą egzaminu celująco to won - nie ma szans na kandydowanie - pkw będzie robiła egzaminy żeby uniknąć głąbów za sterami
Thank you for saying this aloud! True leadership also shows empathy. It is not a weakness like Elon is saying, but a strength. Without empathy, you get a society like Russia.
And showing respect for each other. Their diplomacy seems to be like "stand up, show up" and "say thank you".
This is not a partnership on the same level of respect.
Trump is taking about playing cards... What game he is taking about?
Poker, I thing where player plays for his benefit only, cheeting and bluffing is allowed.
We wany to play bridge, where partners cooperates against opponent. Cards are counted together, play together for common benefit.
Especially for smaller and weaker ones. Sadly, nowadays, politics seem to struggle with the concept of leadership in some cases. One of the biggest challenges European leaders have is to make class and dignity attractive again. Too many people are attracted to bullying, which scares me.
Nevertheless the US diplomacy owe an apology to Mr Sikorski for Mr Musk's words. This is not how you treat your ally - no matter how rich or smart you THINK you are.
Mr Tusk the US is not an ally anymore. In fact if you look carefully at its policies since the WW2 it has always looked after itself either by exercising soft power, which is only half of the problem, but very often put military pressure...
USA 🇺🇸 They have proven that being a Good Customer does not deserve Respect EU🇪🇺 needs New Suppliers both in Weapons and Services You should look at European and Turkish Companies🇹🇷
For Defense, Germany's no 🇩🇪 to Eurobonds. It's not very positive. In these moments we need flexibility and involvement of the European population. The people must participate in this effort. Eurobonds at the free choice of the states. Now we need flexibility, not vetoes.
Ale jesteście na bierząco, tak? A, i chciałem zapytać, jak tam wchodzą posty na co chwile nie działającym X? Dalej płacicie subskrypcje naziscie? Tam jest ktoś, kto cokolwiek ogarnia?
Europe is so much stronger than that flawed country with its unelected evil men "leading" it. We have to help each other, now more than ever. We'll come out on top of we stick together
Donald Trump is a great leader and commander. He never attacks the stronger one. He is always smart enough to choose the weak opponent and celebrate the victory over the lowest! Great American Hero!
When Russia was on the verge of bankruptcy under the sanctions of Western countries, the great President Trump believed that Russia 🇷🇺 was the most powerful country in the world! So he firmly chose to stand with Russia! Trump is afraid of the strong, especially Russia!
Canada way. Elbows up. They are not afraid to ban US goods. The sooner EU will ban Ketamine Nazi operations the better for us. Cancel US military contracts. Canada doesn't panic with military build up despite threats. RuZZia can't invade salad bar with donkeys for next 10 years.
Don't panic about RuZZia. Jingoistic hysteria is worst advisor. Have anyone in EU top brass thought what will happen in US cuts internet access for EU? This stupid trend of putting everything on-line. Orange Turd can ruin us in 5 seconds flat. Doug Ford was Maple MAGA. No more.
True, but while most of the human population understands that what you say.There are huge amounts those who just don’t care. And small minority of those that only hear themselves and are determined to force others under their control. And this last criminal mob rules Oval Office White House.
Tyle porazek USA w polityce miedzyn spowodowalo ze wybrali znow Trumpa aby cokolwiek zmienic, a ktory zamiast ja naprawic rozwali wszystko co z niej zostalo, atakowanie wszyst swoich sojusznik i oddawanie wszyst swoim rywala jak Chiny to ta genialna polityka 1/3
..od poczatku pomagaja tak aby UKR napewno nie wygrala, to ich slowa. Teraz z Trumpem graja aby napewno i jak najszybciej przegrala. Natomiast IZR pomagaja zawsze aby wygral swoje agresje na wszystkich sasiadow mimo najg do wyobraz rzeczy jakie tam robi ten kraj 2/3
..te kraje pokazaly prawdziwa i najgorsza twarz aby RUS i Chiny nie czuly sie same w potepieniu, to sie udalo, udala sie kolejna mega porazka US z rzedu 3/3
Nie ma znaczenia kto kupował a od kogo. Amerykanie zawsze zostawiają sobie „back door” - nawet Niemcy się boją o swoje F-35. BTW kontrakt na Apache podpisał Kosiniak i teraz nowy deal. A np. Borsuka nie kupujemy.
True leadership means supporting the smaller and weaker ones, not bullying them. Kids in kindergarten know it, we have the moral compas since we are human beings. Dear friends, think about it.
I would avoid any unnecessary communication.
📌 Isolate Hungary, Russia and new USA. ☝️Conteractions must be counteracted.
🛑 The sink into Europe to dictatorship level is unacceptable.
🫥 Russia borders must be closed for each drone or missile. Targeting at 100%.
Trump who has been using people his whole life sees an opportunity to take advantage of a person's mental illness.
People should demand that Musk and Trump be tested mentally!!
This is how you confuse communism with humanism and brought the whole world to be dominated by dictators. It is good to study more, learn to be social and RESPONSIBLE!
2) Asperger's is not a disease.
Being anti-Musk/Trump/MAGA/Russia/AfD, pro-Ukraine, etc. does not mean one has to offend millions of benvolent people.
Funny how that seems to have been forgotten by Trump / Vance. 🤔
“Ukraine began its involvement in the Iraq War on 5 June 2003, shortly after the 2003 invasion of Iraq. As part of the Multi-National Force”.
But the point is that many countries went to America’s aid when the asked us to … including Ukraine.
Because we trusted them.
No more.
This is not a partnership on the same level of respect.
Poker, I thing where player plays for his benefit only, cheeting and bluffing is allowed.
We wany to play bridge, where partners cooperates against opponent. Cards are counted together, play together for common benefit.
And how do we call a leader who uses threats to get respect? A tyran?
Rise of the UE🇪🇺
Спасибо, ребята!