In this moment of crisis, I wanted to share a story about three Canadian heroes, Delwin Vriend, Sheila Greckol, and Doug Stollery, who won the fight for LGBQT rights in Canada, and established a precedent adopted around the world.,2SLGBTQ%2B%20people%20across%20the%20world. #LGBQT #yeg #Edmonton #Alberta
Talk about out of fucking touch with reality
Read the goddamn room & pull your head outta your ass😡
You KNEW he's a russian fucking agent
You KNEW he'd steal our election
Still handed US over without a fucking WORD😡😡🤬🤬
Seriously, what the actual fuck?????
My comment relate to the feckless Congress here in the states that pretty much gave him the keys without ANY fight
I am so sorry for the misunderstanding & even MORE sorry my stupid country accepted that illegitimate KNOWN russian ASSet into power
Thank you for being a great neighbor, while it lasted🤗
(And thanks for poutine😍)
I am so sorry We are letting you down😞