(pardon, I'm working right now, just not very hard)
So I'm trying to get you to tell me, **in concrete terms** why you think we are a threat?
See...I think we are so not a threat that we're not worth your effort to "crush."
We're way less important than the price of eggs/groceries/housing/gas.
So I'm trying to get you to tell me, **in concrete terms** why you think we are a threat?
See...I think we are so not a threat that we're not worth your effort to "crush."
We're way less important than the price of eggs/groceries/housing/gas.
Has being a male person, *in the way you were taught to be a man*, ever caused you pain, loneliness, frustration, grief, heartbreak?
Don't have to answer, just think.
I mean, you don't know what's in my underwear, but I will tell you it's factory-original equipment, and not going to change.
...I have never and will never hold a pistol to someone's head and make them call me mixter.
I know what I am.
They have no say in the matter.
If they can't respect me, fuck 'em.
What happens if we stop enforcing gender roles as rigidly as we do now?
I mean, I identify as nonbinary, I present androgynous.
Explain how it harms children if we don't shame or literally beat gender roles into them.
(Which actually harms children.)