The Affordable Care Act became law 15 years ago today - what a godsend for our family!
My daughter was diagnosed with thyroid cancer right after high school.
She was able to undergo surgery, radiation therapy, and followups thanks to insurance coverage till age 26.
She’s 6 years cancer free! 💝
My daughter was diagnosed with thyroid cancer right after high school.
She was able to undergo surgery, radiation therapy, and followups thanks to insurance coverage till age 26.
She’s 6 years cancer free! 💝
Thank you for sharing her story. Keep sharing her story so people understand how much this law has touched people's lives.
Our family who aged out of corporate America and forces to find employment! Now both self-employed and could never afford insurance without this critical safety net. Sick that people do not get it yet!
Thank you #ObamaAdministration and #SenMcCain
Childhood cancer is scary, AND treatment is more effective than at any other time in our history.
(DD is 33, happily married, successful career, & cancer-free.)
Our private insurance covered treatment, but the ACA keeping kids on parental insurance to age 26, as well as removing the penalty of preexisting conditions, go a very long way in supporting human life. #SaveACA
American woman stay away from me
I was uninsured for the several years before the ACA came in, too "high risk" to get affordable coverage due to past cancer treatment. It was a big relief just to have coverage again.