Always found her by far the weakest cast member. Was waiting for Suzy to start in on her.
Interesting to watch them virtually ignore her on the last show farewells in the plane.
You know how pissed Larry David is now that he gave her such an opportunity to star on Curb Enthusiasm. Either he rants about her a lot or he's too disgusted to talk about her.
We still have the last season to watch, but Cheryl kinda ruins everything. Maybe Larry could write 1 more episode, have her character fall for an antivaxer, skip an important vaccine, and kill off her character. Then it would be easier to watch.
Currently rewatching from the beginning. Even IF Cheryl was right about something, she’s now wrong. Beyond redemption wrong. Wish I could superimpose another head on her body.
Just read an article about how his wife Mary killed her self after she felt used & discarded by Robert & was distraught about his relationship with Cheryl Hines. Did not know the background story. Cheryl Hines must b a lunatic in her own right.
Poor Larry D.
And Leon is very quiet and normal 😂
Interesting to watch them virtually ignore her on the last show farewells in the plane.
The show got ten times better after she left, too. LOL