I just love how Sandy Petersen has just become a grumpy old conservative in his old age. WTF, dude? Firstyou lament the "Destruction of history" for tearing down Confederate Statues and now this?
Fuck. And here I was getting excited by knowing that Chris Lackey got some work published in Cults of Cthulhu, and I was tempted to buy it as a longstanding HPPodcraft fan..
It shouldn't surprise me that CoC has a conservative element to its devs, but more the fool am I.
I'm a Ken & Robin Talk About Stuff fan. I can accept that old men of a certain age and political bent won't be bigender communists. But at least Ken Hite has the good sense to be tacitly tolerant on queer culture and not openly spout bullshit like this!
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Its failure humbled a man.
It shouldn't surprise me that CoC has a conservative element to its devs, but more the fool am I.
He offered a weak "sorry if people were offended" deal and has been back posting similar since. Comparing the pride flag to the Nazi/Confederate flag.