Hi, I figured while there's so many new people watching, I'd go through and advertise some of my older stuff from this year that I'm really quite proud of
THE STORM CHANNEL: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/the-storm-channel-power-gs
RIFFMANCERS: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/p-smnc-riffmancers
CORALLURGY: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/p-smnc-corallurgy
THE STORM CHANNEL: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/the-storm-channel-power-gs
RIFFMANCERS: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/p-smnc-riffmancers
CORALLURGY: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/p-smnc-corallurgy
Feel free to not answer if you feel this is too personal for you, it's just that I feel like your music is too good to not be on the OST of a game at one point.
DRAGON SLAYER - FIELD (MKT ARRANGE): https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/dergslayer-field-mktarr
STREETS OF RAGE 2 - DREAMER (TRITON TEST ARRANGE): https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/sor2-dreamer-triton
A CERTAIN BIG BLUE BASTARD (THFSPC ARRANGE): https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/blue-balls-ahoy-thfspc
MARIO WONDER - BOWSER'S AIRSHIP: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/smwon-aship-mktarr
MARIO RPG - BEWARE THE FOREST MUSHROOMS: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/smrpg-forest-highlmao-mktarr
POKEMON XY - KALOS POWER PLANT: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/pokemon-xy-powerplant-mkt
PSYCHIC FORCE - BURNING STORM (MKT ARRANGE): https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/psyfor-bstorm-mkt-arr
EXPLORERS OF SKY - DON'T EVER FORGET (ENDING MEDLEY): https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/pmd-eos-ending-medley
MARIO RPG - WEAPONS FACTORY: https://soundcloud.com/harumi-makoto/smrpg-factory-mktarr