I'm genderfluid. AMAB.
Men's rooms are not safe for any feminine presenting person. Forcing trans women into them is a recipe for disaster wrapped in cruelty.
Trans people have been using the bathrooms of their gender for decades. They are no threat. The numbers just aren't there.
Men's rooms are not safe for any feminine presenting person. Forcing trans women into them is a recipe for disaster wrapped in cruelty.
Trans people have been using the bathrooms of their gender for decades. They are no threat. The numbers just aren't there.
Prove to all of us that trans people pose more of a threat than any cis man or woman that goes into a public restroom.
Or is it because you feel better that there's a smaller group that you can push around and use to project your anger from men?
You aren't the arbiter of morality, nor biology. Bathrooms are segregated for SAFETY and not to be a special club based on what's in your pants.
Also, it's the "Women's" room, not the "Females" room. Quit the pseudo intellectual crap. It's gross. We're not Zoo animals.
Some "feminism"