I have a bad habit of making myself cry while I write because I feel my characters' pain (that *I* inflict on them) a bit too deeply and then have to take long breaks 😅
"something something writing as therapy something"
Hello fellow crybaby 🥹👍🏾 lol I cry when writing or when reading a good fic that stuff's cathartic as hell. Sometimes you need a lil guy to feel the feelings first you know 🤣
YEP as soon as I saw your post I sent it to all my fellow traumatised crybaby writer friends & we took a moment to commiserate 😅 It was really awesome, so thank you so much for sharing that post!
Sigh, my poor characters go through the MOST but they do usually get cuddles at some point (romance)
WIP it good.
"something something writing as therapy something"
Sigh, my poor characters go through the MOST but they do usually get cuddles at some point (romance)