friendly reminder to thank your TOs and tournament staff
as a head TO of FTIU, I spend 5-6 hours of my time (4 hr runtime + 1-2 hours doing verification and seeding) every other week so that you can get the best experience we can offer, and my staff and I rarely ever get thanked for our work
as a head TO of FTIU, I spend 5-6 hours of my time (4 hr runtime + 1-2 hours doing verification and seeding) every other week so that you can get the best experience we can offer, and my staff and I rarely ever get thanked for our work
TOs are the most important people in the competitive scene and they do deserve more respect and appreciation
You guys make so many players happy, you give them a place to have and improve
And that's genuinely amazing, especially since TOing is a lot of WORK
Thank you so much! 💙
Mostly just making it a post, I do for sure get that and I'm glad to's do what they do. On my end I just constantly forget to thank them cause we love thinking, its just a struggle to balance playing with other things
I'll at least try to make more of an effort tho
I think people subconsciously think that way about staff and TOs for bigger orgs, and my experience with feedback with FoD vs FTIU and the other events UP runs kinda proves my point
Tho I don't think its so much that they see yall as emotionless robots, I think half of it is just them being upset and having nothing to take it out on. I think the other half is they're so used to tournaments just being there they don't see the work behind-
We can't appreciate it without seeing the work behind it, all that players will ever see are the end results
It's not right, but I think thats why. A mix of both things are what gives the result of
I also just want to put this into perspective for anyone who hasn't staffed or been a TO for an event, as it's a lot of work that is very underappreciated