You often ask folks which shoot they like, I've enjoyed you for a few months now, and I have to say this shoot is by far my fave. I may be wrong, but it feels like it was shot somewhere around coral pink sand dunes, St George, Kanab, or lake Powell. Maybe I'm way off but that's what I am sensing.
Thank you John! That’s great feedback! This one was actually shot at Porto Pino in Sardinia. It’s a gravel beach that stretches for miles, and there are wavy dunes that make it look like the beach goes to the horizon when it’s just a dune meeting the sky. It’s a very popular spot for photography. 😁
While I am well traveled in the western US, my time abroad is very limited to Canada, France and UK. Maybe you'd call me a rookie hahah. Would love it if you came out here, have a spot you might like, winter or summer! Big beautiful Wyoming.
It's a Jenny Eclipse . What an amazing sight ♥️