Cal-exit watch: signature gathering approved for proposed 2028 indicative vote on California seceding from the Union.
The state has 12 per cent of the US population, gets 4 per cent of Senate votes.
The state has 12 per cent of the US population, gets 4 per cent of Senate votes.
make concessions to the law, but there is nothing wrong with making new interpretations for the situation at hand, they do not have guard rails, so we make our own and frame trump as the law breaker. new constitution does not have to obey the old
We need all hands on deck to save the United States.
Nut up, or shut up.
That might be what it takes to remind the govt that they work for US.
This seems like an appropriate response to 'conditional disaster relief'.
As an European living in Catalonia, I can quite easily guess their sources of resentment. (Representation, political divergence, economic divergence, etc). I trust that the independistas have zero practical plans for statehood as usual.