I envision something a bit more complicated. Think of a pog stack like a card game deck. Each pog would have a set of abilities (defensive and offensive), then slammers would have different ways of interacting with pogs and have different blast radius’s.
Have it so holding a spot on the board has a growing a shrinking circle mini game for tossing your slammer. Friendly pogs would trigger offensive moves for you and catching enemy pogs would trigger defensive measures for them
The customization options could rival MTG. Each POG could have a unique art set or a collection that can be used to create a tube. The POGs could have individual stats and Slammers could have perks points that would +\- POGs in the stack. I just had flashbacks to recess in grade school. Nice!
You probably get sick of hearing about Destiny, but man this makes me sad they never got around to introducing some horizontal progression. Would've loved a card game.
They dropped many balls cuz they don’t have any.