Sony patents include idea to lower input lag by using AI to predict which buttons you'll press next
AI button assist = good
WTF sony, listen to your audience
We want you to stop censoring games, not integrate climate boiling AI schlopp in our games
Boobies > AI
Basic AI: Free
Advanced AI: This has premium access to the lowest latency servers. $15/mo
Pro AI: This one has wall hacks on top of the aim bot in the previous too versions. $20/mo
No AI: $50/mo
We saw it with "the cloud", "smart" products years ago.
...Who the hell still uses a Stadia?
They did have some cool ideas about what you could do with games to be fair, the main problem was that a lot of people have rubbish internet connections.
I swear these buffoons want to put ai into everything and I'm sick of it at this point
frame 0: 0ms
frame 1: 16.7ms
frame 2: 33.3ms
if you press X at 15ms your action will come out frame 3(!) even tho you input on frame 0. if it predicts that, it can start your anim on frame 1/2, then if you didn't input - rollback
"The perfectly functional controller did it, I didn't!" Will go from a john to something that may actually be possible.
The AI controlling my controller: "Prepare the quick attack button and literally nothing else for the next minute."
the game could predict your input. "user would jump here", then if you don't jump within margin, rollback and resimulate the frames. if you have jumpsquat your character would crouch a bit then rollback
We don't need to shittify videogames too......
CPUs use Branch Prediction, or running code with the hope that they predict a yes/no question right. On a wrong guess, it rewinds and tries again. On a right guess, you saved some time! (cont.)
This patent applies MACHINE LEARNING SPECIFICALLY (not GenAI) to online games to improve rollback netcode predictions.
Just not for bloody art and writing and shit.
Think of it this way
I know you're gonna ask me a yes no question
So I write yes on my paper
You ask the question
If it was yes, I show you the paper
If it was no, I take another paper, write no, and show you that
So if it was yes, I saved the time to write it, so I answered faster
You cannot predict what a player is going to do. They could suddenly think "I forgot to check that room back there", do a 180 and jump randomly on the way back for fun.
If input lag is such a big deal, maybe focus less on online nonsense?