this is why the Mankoski pain scale was created. for those who may not know, this scale can help people with chronic pain and neurodivergent people (like myself) measure their pain!!
If I remember correctly years ago they did have a lot of these things posted in doctor's offices and hospitals. THANK YOU FOR POSTING IT! Not yelling 🩵
The Mankoski scale is my favorite. LDN took me from a daily 7/8 to a 2/3/4 and 5 (on my very worst days). Having detailed descriptions of the pain, what it affects and how is managed is by far one of the best ways to ever communicate pain "levels".
My general answer is where? The shoulder isn’t bad today and most of my fingers are only around a 2 or 3. My back? Well, after the hour ride in the car to get here it is about a 7 but was probably a 4 when I left home…
This! When nurses ask me if I’m in any pain before an appointment. I reply in relation to what? Like my 5 would be someone else’s 10 or some else’s 1. The number scale is arbitrary now.
A 5 for me is almost unheard of honestly. Somehow I always feel like the reaction will be bad if I’m honest about my true pain levels. I’ve taken to just responding no more than usual if they ask me if I’m in any pain.
Well, this is extra relevant today. My adult daughter broke her foot the other day and a couple dif ankle sprains too.. She's having all these issues between the urgent care who fitted her improperly for a boot( causing more pain) vs orthopedic doc who is on vacation. Treated terribly at UC!!.
Mine fluctuates between a 4 and a 9 while on morphine. I really hate the spikes, as I reflexively jerk away from it, causing more pain. My surprised yelp startles those around me, too.
More relatable
Left shoulder: 6
Lower back: 3
Knees: 5
Ankles: 4
Total: 26
…and that’s a good day.
I am ALWAYS in pain.
Do you mean additional pain, yo?
With prescription cannabis - "aren't clouds massive!?" 🙂↔️🫠