We make jokes about how dystopia is a lot more boring in reality than all the books we had to read in high school made it out to be. I think what we're forgetting is that the part we're in now - where the characters might have stopped it & didn't - is the backstory of these books, not the story.
The sooner humankind acts like we all have skin in the game for long term survival and thriving, the better our chances of warding off the worst dystopia.
Things like morality, empathy, and concern for society and the environment get thrown right out the window in favor of making a quick profit.
(That used to be a hopeful quote, once)
I have access to a significant cluster of future; nobody WANTS it...
* 1984 excepted.
Imagine knowing what Kepler knew (and where it has taken us, Socially & Scientifically)
- but knowing it in the year 1500.
Aero faces that choice right now...
... and oh my god what I would give to be bored with the world right now!