"Please stop."
"Please get down."
"Please get out of my face."
"Stop that."
"Stop biting that."
"Stop biting her."
"Stop chewing on that."
"What are you doing?"
"What's in your mouth?"
"Don't you dare."
- Lines of dialogue from my upcoming book, Living with Cats: A Memoir
"Please get down."
"Please get out of my face."
"Stop that."
"Stop biting that."
"Stop biting her."
"Stop chewing on that."
"What are you doing?"
"What's in your mouth?"
"Don't you dare."
- Lines of dialogue from my upcoming book, Living with Cats: A Memoir
"Bury it!"
"No, you're not supposed to be there."
"No, food later."
"Get down from there."
"You just had food an hour ago."
"How'd you get up there AGAIN?"
"No, leave that alone."
"Alright, you win."
“Stop yelling.”
“What else could you possibly need?”
“Thank you for…that.. whatever that is” 🤮🤮🤮
My last cat would claw the couch, I'd yell, she'd get crazy eyes and claw more as if to say "This? Is it this you don't like?" And it would escalate and became a game with her. We'd do the whole thing about once per day.
"what are you eating??? what are you EATING"
"where did my socks go"
"where are you going with my memory card???"*
"hey did [cat] steal my bra"**
*she dug through a bowl and stole my old gamecube memory card
**cat walked off with my bra once
That's my favorite color for cats - my friend who has one that color calls it champagne. He's beautiful, would never suspect him as an under-the-bed-barfer!
Daily mantra in my house.
“No, not you.”
“Can I help you?”
“That can’t be comfy.”
“That’s not your bed/bowl/hutch.”
& of course…
“Get out of there.”
With thanks to Mad Mars Bar, Teddy the Bastard, & Beautiful Bella.
Stop growling.
You can't go out.
Stop rolling around on the laptop, and don't you dare start installing software again.
Lotus is in her "rebellious teenager" stage lol
"What are you planning?"
"What depths exist behind those beautiful eyes?"
"Please don't lick me after licking your butt."
Omg don’t puke there!!!
"Don't grab his tail!!" is the only sentence that gets spoken in my house where it's obvious which of them it's directed at
( not mine and I do not know who the author was )
I lick up you nose
I lick you nose again
I run my claw across your eyes
Good you are up
Feed me
Gosh, I miss having a cat (had one during childhood) but I don't think I can be sane and deal w/ two biters who also will try to chew plastic if left alone for 1 second
And I know my cat understands EVERY word I say!!
"That's my leg"
followed by
"ow ow oW oW OW OW OW OW!"
How did you get into my coat pocket?
"What are you doing"
"How is that even possible"
"God help me"